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Milton Keynes MK9 2AH

07450 585181


Skin Pigmentation

Skin pigmentation disorders affect the colour of your skin. Your skin gets its colour from a pigment called melanin. Special cells in the skin make melanin. When these cells become damaged or unhealthy, it affects melanin production.

Pigmented lesions are extremely common and most often caused by the sun. They include freckles, age spots and liver spots and normally contain high concentrations of melanin (pigment). Hormonal factors, injury and aging can also cause abnormal pigmented lesions.

What are the treatments like?

The secret lies in the laser technology that delivers an intense, but gentle burst of energy onto targeted areas of the skin, delivering a controlled amount of therapeutic heat to the targeted area with proven and effective results.

Are the treatments Comfortable?

Gentle Pro uses a patented Dynamic Cooling Device TM (DCD ), which prepares the skin for treatment by spraying the upper layer with a cooling burst of cryogen in adjustable durations – milliseconds before the laser pulse. DCD helps ensure that the Gentle Pro Family treatments are as comfortable as they are effective.

How long do treatments take, and how many treatments will I require?

Treatment times may vary depending on your specific needs. The number of treatments required will be based on your body area and skin tone.

What precautions should I take?

The skin should be clean-shaven and thoroughly cleansed before laser treatment. It is important not to expose the intended treatment area to sunlight or tanning booth light prior to or immediately after treatment.

Can all skin types be safely treated?

With the Gentle Pro, the combination of the fastest and most powerful 755 nm Alexandrite has created a device that provides excellent results for skin types I to IV

The following benign pigmented lesion can be treated with the GentleLase:

  • Mottled or hyperpigmentation
  • Lentigines
  • Ephelides
  • Epidermal melasma
  • Café au lait

-Lentigines also known as Sun Spots/Age Spots, are harmless, flat, brown discolouration of the skin, which usually occur on the back of the face or back of the hands.

-Ephelides or freckles, a flat circular spot on the skin, about the size of the head of a nail that develops after repeated exposure to sunlight, particularly in someone of fair complexion. Freckles may be red, yellow, tan, light brown and brown or black. They are always darker than the skin around them since they are due to deposits of the dark melanin, a dark pigment.

-Epidermal melasma is the most superficial with an increase in the skin pigment in the top layer of skin. Darker patches of skin gradually develop on the cheeks, forehead, nose, and upper lip. It is more common in women and is associated with pregnancy and medication containing hormones.

Café au lait is a discoloured birthmark that is seen at birth or soon later.

Sign of agingSign of aging
Sign of aging - freckles on handSign of aging - freckles on hand

To book a free consultation please contact:

07450 585181