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07450 585181


Hair Loss Treatment

Mesohair Mesotheraphy is a very efficient and painless technique for slowing hair loss.

What is Mesohair Mesotherapy?

Mesohair Mesotheraphy is a non-invasive technique that uses injections of vitamins, amino acids, minerals, Hyaluronic Acid, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts. It is based on micro-injections directly to the epidermis of the scalp, in the targeted tissue and it effectively stimulates hair regrowth.


In Dermatox Skin Clinic , several treatments are suggested to stimulate hair regrowth:

  • Mesohair Mesotherapy treatment
  • PRP treatment (Platlet Rich Plasma)
  • Medical Microneedling

Meso Hair can be used in areas:

  • scalp,
  • eyebrows,
  • pubic hair.

How is it applied?

Mesotherapy is administered by a trained medical practitioner using a non-invasive techniques to deliver nutrition directly into the skin.

What happens during treatment?

Generally takes around 20 to 30 minutes to administer. then you can return to work or day to day activities immediately.

Are there any side effects?

  • Slight bruising and swelling from the injection sites.

When can I see results?

Hair loss generally stops after the second session and hair starts to growth back after two or three months. A course of 6-8 treatments should be carried out initially every 1-2 Weeks.

How long does it last?

For lasting results, it is recommended to continue with maintenance Mesohair Mesotherapy treatment every 3 months.

To book a free consultation please contact:

07450 585181