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Fat Dissolving Injections

Fat dissolving injections can help you to achieve a slimmer, more contoured body shape and finally get rid of stubborn fat that won’t shift  even with a regular exercise and healthy diet.


Product used: Aqualyx&Lemon Bottle

What is Fat Dissolving Injections?

It is a non-surgical treatment;works by breaking down cell membranes to liquify the fat cell, destroying it permanently, releasing the liquids that are then eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system. However this does not mean you’re excused from a healthy diet or exercise. If you gain weight the areas are likely to come back.

AQUALYX contains deoxycholic acid solution which is produced by our bile duct to help up break  stubborn pockets of fat which resist diet and exercise. The solution was developed by professor Pasquale Motolese, president of the Italian Society of Aesthetic and Medicine, and has been in use since 2009. AQUALYX has been Approved by the FDA and EEA and is licensed for use in the UK. A similar ingredient is found in products available in the USA such as Kybella and Belkyra.

LEMON BOTTLE is a new advanced lipolysis solution for the face and body. LEMON BOTTLE is a high-concentration fat dissolve solution that combines Riboflavin (vitamin B2 induces activation of fat metabolism) Bromelain (Pineapple Extract, helps to break down fat and remove inflammation) and Lecithin(estroys and transports unnecessary fat cells).

Treatment Areas

Fat Dissolving Treatments can be applied to the following areas:

  • Stomach (inc. six pack definition)
  • Love handles
  • Arms
  • Chin
  • Flanks & Waist
  • Inner & Outer Thighs
  • The “Bra roll”
  • Fatty deposits above the knees or ankles

How often is it applied?

It typically requires a course of 3-6 treatments with 4-6 week intervals in-between each session.

What happens during the treatment?

At Dermatox Skin Clinic the medical practitioner will assess your body and discuss the best treatment plan for you. They will then determine the injection site to achieve the best results for you.

The process takes about 15-30 minutes and is not painful in the neck but can be painful if you are having the treatment in the body.  The solution has a local anesthetic added to it and some patients do not report pain but others say the procedure is quite uncomfortable.

Although the procedure doesn’t hurt, you should expect some swelling which can take up to three weeks to subside.

You can return to work or day to day activities immediately.

Are there any side effects?

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Reddening of the skin (from a few hours up to 3 days)
  • Tension aches and pains

When can I see results?

For small areas such as the jowls and chin, just one sessions can dramatically reduce fat deposits and return a more youthful and defined facial contour. For larger areas such as the tummy, arms and saddlebags you may need up to 5 sessions to see dramatic results.

How long does it last?

The results can be permanent if you maintain a healthy diet and regularly exercise.





To book a free consultation please contact:

07450 585181