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Acne Scars Treatment

Photo before and after treatment for acne. A young girl with a problem skin. Skin treatments. Cosmetology and professional skin care.

Subcision is a safe and effective treatment designed to treat acne scars.

What is Subcision Therapy?

Subcision Therapy is a procedure which releases scars that have become stuck to the deeper tissues.  Scar collagen is produced when a scar is formed; it is not as supple as normal collagen therefore this new collagen can stretch all the way from the scar to the deeper tissues and pull the scar down.

As a result of this, the scar to look more indented and causes shadows, divots and pits. However, breaking these connections helps to lift the scar back up.

Subscision acne scars

How is it applied?

Subcision works by breaking down the fibres which are pulling the scar down, as well as scraping under the dermis which stimulates new collagen formation to help raise scars.

What happens during the treatment?

Subcision is performed using a special hypodermic needle inserted through a puncture in the skin surface. The sharp edge of the needle is used to break fibrotic strands that are tethering the scar to the underlying tissue. The process generally takes about 30-45 minutes. At Dermatox Skin Clinic, the medical practitioner will assess your face and discuss the best treatment plan for you. .

They will then determine the injection site to achieve the best results for you. The topical anaesthetic is generally applied 45  minutes before the treatment. Although the procedure doesn’t hurt, it might be uncomfortable and you should expect some swelling which can take up to a week to subside. There is little to no recovery time following the procedure, meaning you can return to work or day to day activities immediately.

What kind of scars does Subcision help with?

Subcision helps to improve any condition in which skin is being pulled downwards by scar tissue. This includes:

  • Rolling acne scars
  • Tethered box-scar acne scars
  • Chicken pox scars
  • Surgical scars
  • Any scar that’s indented

Are there any side effects?

  • Bruising
  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Reddening of the skin (from a few hours up to 3 days)
  • Tension aches and pains

When can I see the results?

The results of subcision therapy are immediate. Swelling that happens following the procedure can take up-to seven days to settle. Results are usually seen within 1 to 3 months and the skin continues re-modelling for up to a year after treatment. This means that ongoing benefits can be seen too. Clients may need to be repeat the treatment once or twice for the best results.

How long does it last?

Subcision therapy is a permanent lasting treatment.


Before imageAfter image
before after acne scarsbefore after acne scars

To book a free consultation please contact:

07450 585181